When a case of police misconduct causes indignation and broad discussion in society, how does it influence the case's investigation?
Victor Bursztyn
Our group attempts to investigate how pressure stemming from society could play a role in the outcomes of police misconduct investigations. We look at this phenomenon from two complementary viewpoints: from the cases that are picked up by the press (both local and national) and from the social media landscape represented here by Twitter.
Research Question: When a case of police misconduct causes indignation and broad discussion in society, how does it influence the case's investigation?
This single question unfolds over a series of hypothetical, measurable effects on the investigation (part I of section "Feature Space" below); and we can measure pressure exerted by society using a number of digital channels (part II of section "Feature Space" below).
Feature Space:
We hypothesize that, to some extent, the following effects could happen:
Effect 1: It could expedite a disciplinary investigation;
Effect 2: Increase the likelihood of the officer(s) involved being disciplined;
Effect 3: Increase the likelihood of the state granting compensation.
And these effects could depend on the following features:
Feature 1: The number of news stories reporting on the case;
Feature 2: The involvement of certain media outlets (local vs national ones);
Feature 3: The length of the news burst (from the first story to the last);
Feature 4: Social engagement with the case as measured in Twitter.
Our proposed methodology comprises the following steps:
Step 1. Manually analyze a few cases on Google: Try to use some allegation fields to search for stories in Google and map the relevant news sources (both local and national);
Step 2. Manually analyze a few cases on Twitter: Try to use some allegation fields to search for tweets and map the Twitter handles that can be considered sources or good proxies for public sentiment;
Step 3. Collect more data points: Use Python, the Newspaper library [1], and Twitter API [2] to automate the process in Steps 1 and 2 in order to collect a larger sample;
Step 4. Run predictive analysis [3]: Use the features generated by Step 3 to predict the target features (Effects 1, 2, and 3 can be obtained directly from the Invisible Institute's Citizens Police Data Project).
[1] The Newspaper Library for Python — https://newspaper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
[3] Hall, Mark, et al. "The WEKA data mining software: an update." ACM SIGKDD explorations newsletter 11.1 (2009): 10-18.